Once there, you will be able to familiarize yourself with such venerable titles such as the Torment and Torture series and a Skulltag project called Perforated Entrails. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed and as a reviewer of many of his projects, I can also guarantee that you are going to be looking at topnotch gaming experiences in his maps. For a look at a review of Torment and Torture 2 you can go here which will give you a good idea of the type of gameplay you can look forward to. For an even more in depth review of one of his maps, you can check out this review .
When Torment and Torture 3 was created, it was prior to the release of Doom3 and incorporated an extreme amount of Zdoom features, including snow, which tended to bog down older machines but which now should play on virtually anyone’s home computer lag free.
So, anyway, enough background on Tormentor and his projects. The reason for this interview and those to follow is that Daniel is going to be releasing a project later this year that should have the Doom community salivating. Since I don’t want to play the spoiler (yet), I won’t reveal any of the details of that project but they will be coming. This interview is more or less an introduction to the genius who designs these maps, so join me in learning more about him.