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Weak weapons

  • YourAverageMoron
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1 year 6 months ago #1 by YourAverageMoron
Weak weapons was created by YourAverageMoron
Something that I find very weird is that the mods of the Armory don't like powerful weapons for some reason, and they have to be balanced to fit vanilla doom. ...Yet, stuff like the arachnophyte and the archon of hell get into the beastiary. So, you might be asking, "what's the problem here?"

Well, nothing in the armory is powerful enough to effectively kill the beastiary monsters.

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  • BFG Major Mike
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1 year 6 months ago #2 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic Weak weapons
Honestly same

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  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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1 year 6 months ago #3 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic Weak weapons
The answer for this is simple. Every new weapon is designed, scripted and balanced to suit the OG vanilla format as previously mentioned.

However, you can change the damage integer in Slade to amp the power. Additionally, a simple request of ramping up the damage on a certain weapon is possible. Keep in mind though, every weapon that is submitted gets game tested to make sure it isn't overpowered and you can finish the game using one gun.

Which imo, is kinda redundant anyway since you can just type IDFA over and over and destroy a map with the BFG. The armory is a resource gallery for modders and mappers who are just looking for some variety to create new projects.

Did this help at all?

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  • BFG Major Mike
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1 year 6 months ago #4 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic Weak weapons
Yea, but we kinda want stronger guns, and I do have an idea

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1 year 6 months ago #5 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic Weak weapons
Are we like, still here?

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  • YourAverageMoron
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1 year 6 months ago #6 by YourAverageMoron
Replied by YourAverageMoron on topic Weak weapons
no i died sorry

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  • mattbratt11
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1 year 6 months ago #7 by mattbratt11
Replied by mattbratt11 on topic Weak weapons
In non-loving memory of
"The Y.A.M." ????-2023
Ripped and Torn in Pieces.

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  • Gunslahyer_Pi
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1 year 6 months ago #8 by Gunslahyer_Pi
Replied by Gunslahyer_Pi on topic Weak weapons
I've been working on some new weapons. Editing, compiling, scripting and balancing.

Again though. As previously mentioned, I am formatting them to suit vanilla styles. Ensuring they meet the requirements of the OG doom series.

You can't ask for "boosted" weapons. If you want super over powered weapons, you need to learn to modify them yourself.

Gothic will back me up on this. Want a super, maddening, over the top, kill everything weapon?

Take anything that's already available and mod it yourself. There are rules, regulations and protocols. We design, engineer, develop and release mods to the consumer. I.E - you guys. To modify and incorporate into your game.

Bottom line: want super destructive guns? Change the integers yourself

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  • BFG Major Mike
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1 year 6 months ago #9 by BFG Major Mike
Replied by BFG Major Mike on topic Weak weapons
For a power hungry psycho like me, yes, I don't care if it's even fun, I just want blatantly op shit so I can giggle and shit

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  • Gothic
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1 year 6 months ago #10 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic Weak weapons
Balancing is required when your weapon uses vanilla ammunition instead of custom made, because if your pistol can instakill a Cyberdemon with a single bullet shot, why would I need the regular pistol and chaingun?
You could get more wild with new types of ammo, but that doesn't mean you should go bathshit insane, like firing 2 nukes and a bunch of pyrocannon shots in one go, that stuff would be ok on Zandronum multiplayer mods but not here.

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