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Weapons Resource Wad

  • DeVloek
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1 year 3 months ago - 1 year 3 months ago #1 by DeVloek
Weapons Resource Wad was created by DeVloek
Earlier today Captain Toenail brought up this old weapon pack and asked if it might be worth updating some of the weapons for the R667 armory.
Now that I looked at each weapon and tried them out a bit I wanna share my thoughts.

Many sprites look kinda ugly and aren't worth considering. Most of the sprites that look good are rips from games like DN3D and Shadow Warrior. Nothing too exciting there either. Some other weapons are already in the repository, like the Sniper Rifle that was recently updated with new centered sprites. I won't go into balancing, it's all over the place and needs to be looked at individually if someone decides to update a weapon.

These are the weapons that stood out to me:

  • Railgun (by Daniel)

    Just a plain old railgun, but the sprite looks good and afaik hasn't been used for anything in the armory. Could be repurposed for another type of weapon if yet another railgun seems too boring.

  • Seeker Missile Launcher (by NekroMage)

    I think this weapon was ripped from Osiris.wad, like the sprite of the Freeze Rifle that is already in the Armory. In WRW it's what the name says, but the weapon's looks suggests something entirely different. Could be worth repurposing, maybe some kind of liquid sprayer.

  • Tazer (by HellsBane)

    Despite the name, it doesn't tase at all. It doesn't even lock the enemy in place like the chainsaw does. Also the sprite doesn't have Doomguy hands. But the rest isn't too shabby so might be worth turning into an actual taser.

  • Blaster Pistol (by Inuyasha_989)

    For some reason it has the same pickup sprite as the Plasma Bolter from the Armory. But the HUD sprites of both these weapons don't really look like the pickup sprite. Oh well. Anyway, it's a decent gun and might be worth updating if people want more energy based sidearms. Just needs Doomguy hands.

  • Multi-Projectile Weapon (by TheDarkArchon)

    Imo the best looking sprites in the whole pack. Not sure if they are an original work or ripped from another game. The way the weapon works is kinda neat too, and I quote the description:
    "The projectile this fires out depends on how long you hold down the fire button. The more lights on the weapon that turn red, the more powerful the blast and the more ammo used. One light fires a strong green plasma ball and uses 10 cells, two lights sends fires three slightly-stronger homing yellow plasma balls and uses 30 cells, and three lights fires a powerful red blast and a energy shotgun spread for 50 cells."

    The thing is, the 3rd projectile is basically a red BFG blast that kills everything in front of you, so there is no reason to use the other projectiles unless your only enemy is an imp or something. Also it simulates a blinding muzzle flash by coloring the whole screen yellow or red. Yikes!
    So yeah this weapon needs some fixing but I think it's worth updating, or better yet, repurposing the sprites to make a mini-nuke launcher, kinda like the Fatman from Fallout 3. At least that's what I would do. But before I do anything I wanna hear other people's thoughts, especially Captain Toenail's who brought this wad up in the first place.

btw I think the version of WRW that I got is missing quite a few weapons from the final v2.2 release. I looked for a download link but the only one I could find is on DRD Team's site which doesn't work for me, the website throws a bunch of security risk errors. Doomworld only seems to host the older version that I got.
Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by DeVloek. Reason: added sprite images

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1 year 3 months ago #2 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic Weapons Resource Wad
I always liked the Imp Claw (the sprites, not the 2 weapons that use them) even though they're unfinished. They would look great if the Dark Claw from the Doom Bible gets made. They were also used in ZDCMP2.

Overall, I never liked the WRW, I was more of an Arsenal guy.

Also fuck the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH gun.

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  • DeVloek
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1 year 3 months ago #3 by DeVloek
Replied by DeVloek on topic Weapons Resource Wad
"Also fuck the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH gun."

You mean the gun that sings like a choir? OMG what were they thinking? :ouch:
At least the sprite looks kinda cool, too bad it isn't widescreen.

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  • CaptainToenail
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1 year 3 months ago #4 by CaptainToenail
Replied by CaptainToenail on topic Weapons Resource Wad
I'm quite fond of the firebomb launching artillery thing, and the icicle gun, even if it's just a basic edit of the Duke Shrinker. Also the cop derringer is a solid pistol with a reload.

The Tazer sprite is from Lameduke, and the multiprojectile weapon sprite is from HacX. I agree it's a good concept though. I do like the blaster also. It just needs cleaned up and some Doom hands on there imo. And maybe a charge altfire.

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  • DeVloek
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1 year 3 months ago #5 by DeVloek
Replied by DeVloek on topic Weapons Resource Wad
yeah I kinda like the Crystal (icicle) gun too. The crystal projectile is too small though, looks weird how it suddently seems to shrink when it leaves the gun.

I was aware of Hacx (and, as it turns out, plenty of rips from it) but never played it, so I just downloaded Hacx 2.0 to check out the Nuker on which the multi-projectile weapon is based. Tbh I like it better than what WRW turned it into. I still very much like the mpw's way of charging up the power level, maybe the 2 concepts can be combined. I really like the sprite so this would probably be the one I'd be willing to work on. Unless you wanna work with those sprites too, then I'll leave it to you of course. The taser would be my 2nd choice, since there's a serious lack of melee weapons in the armory.

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1 year 3 months ago #6 by CaptainToenail
Replied by CaptainToenail on topic Weapons Resource Wad
DeVloek, I don't have any strong preferences, and I need to take a break from Doom stuff for a week or two, so feel free to work on any of them you like.

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  • Gothic
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1 year 3 months ago #7 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic Weapons Resource Wad
By the way, wolfman provided a link to the latest version here:
Alternate link to MEGA, because I'm not gonna link to Mediafire here:

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  • DeVloek
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1 year 3 months ago #8 by DeVloek
Replied by DeVloek on topic Weapons Resource Wad
Thanks for the link. Sadly the additional weapons from the 2.2 release aren't too impressive imo, and they made the Nuker sprites worse by brightening the firing frames :meh:

So I decided to take the Nuker from the Hacx 2.0 release and work from there. For now I only zscriptified the code, replaced deprecated features, made the ammo its own type instead of a Cell replacer, and added dynamic lights to the projectiles.
Weapon behavior is still exactly the same as in Hacx, including the awful 11khz sounds. I don't think this would be a good submission for the Armory as it is, but in case anyone's interested in using this gun in its (almost) original form, here's the file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13DbmHTraT9w6--rn1HhMixIiJRTOHotp/view?usp=sharing

Next I'm gonna think of a way to combine the features of the Hacx Nuker with those of the MPW from WRW, maybe edit the sprites a little bit and definitely look for some sounds that don't rape your ears.

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  • CaptainToenail
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1 year 3 months ago #9 by CaptainToenail
Replied by CaptainToenail on topic Weapons Resource Wad
So much for my break :roll:

I've started working on sprucing up the Blaster Pistol. Does anyone recognise where the original model rip and sound effect are from?

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  • Gothic
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1 year 3 months ago - 1 year 3 months ago #10 by Gothic
Replied by Gothic on topic Weapons Resource Wad
Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by Gothic.

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