
Name: Possessed Gibs
Difficulty: Medium
Connections: None
Summon: PossessedGibs, GibbedZombieMan, GibbedShotgunGuy, GibbedDoomImp, GibbedChaingunGuy
Melee: No
Distance: Projectile
Type: Demon, Spirit
Brightmaps: No
Actor modification: No
Submitted: DeVloek
Code: DeVloek
Sounds: id Software, 3D Realms, Valve
Sprites: id Software, 3D Realms, Randi Heit
Idea Base: flesh golem, poltergeist folklore
A demonic entity that has possessed the gibbed remains of an Imp. Once alerted, it will start possessing other nearby gibbed corpses.
Once possessed, these extra gibs hover around the Possessed Gibs in the middle and shoot bloody body parts at their target.
Those gibbed corpses also protect the monster, this allows it to quickly increase damage output and sturdiness.
For this monster to be effective, make sure there are enough gibbed corpses to possess in the vicinity.
You can set the amount of extra gibs to spawn around it, place more gibbed corpses on the map, or gib some monsters during gameplay.
Gibbed corpses must be either in their XDeath state, or be on the list of allowed actors (see config section in possessedgibs.txt).
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