Name: Ceiling Drills
Connection: None
Palette: PNG
Props: CeilingDrill[Holding/Empty/Broken1-6], CDrill[Buried/Dud]
Hazards: CeilingDrill[Driller/Exploder], PrimedDrill
Activatables: CeilingDrillDrillerActive, CeilingDrillExploderActive, CeilingDrillDrillerSwitch
Ambient Sound: None
De-/Activatable: Yes
Destroyable: No
Special Effects: None
Submitted: TheDoomedArchvile
Code: TheDoomedArchvile, Jekyll Grim Payne, Gothic
Sprites: Zrrion the Insect
Sprite Edits: TheDoomedArchvile
Sounds: Freesounds (xxqmanxx), Capcom, Bulletstorm
GLEDFS: TheDoomedArchvile
Idea Base: Environmental tech hazards
Ceiling Drills that can drop down on the player or enemies. This pack comes with eight ceiling props, two ground props, two hazard drills that will drop automatically when walking under them, three activatable drills that will drop when used with Activate/Deactivate Thing, and one ground drill already primed.
There are two types of drills. One that falls and deals minor damage on its way down only, and one that will also prime itself to explode when an actor gets too close after landing.
Archive Ceiling Drills (217 KB)