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I need help with a fucking decorate problem.

  • CaptainManiac
  • CaptainManiac's Avatar Topic Author
  • Cacodemon
  • Cacodemon
8 years 9 months ago #1 by CaptainManiac
I need help with a fucking decorate problem. was created by CaptainManiac
I got a fucking decorate problem that fucks my 3d model monster that i rigged myself and imported into the game and made the decorates with attack and death corresponding to the animation rig i created myself.The problem is:
Sorry if i talk like a moron,but i changed the code many times to make the monster visible and it is really getting on my nerves.Can someone help me on that?Please.Here are the codes if someone take care:
modeldef: model Grim { path "models\grim" model 0 "grim.md2" skin 0 "body.png" scale 5.0 5.0 5.0 FrameIndex GRIM A 0 0 "Spawn" FrameIndex GRIM B 0 1 "Attack" FrameIndex GRIM C 0 2 "Attack" FrameIndex GRIM D 0 3 "Attack" FrameIndex GRIM E 0 4 "Death" FrameIndex GRIM F 0 5 "Death" FrameIndex GRIM G 0 6 "Death" } decorate: actor Grim 6007 { SpawnID 5 Obituary " %o's soul was brought to hell by The Grim reaper" health 1000000 height 10 mass 10 speed 70 PainChance 50 seesound "grunt/sight" painsound "grunt/pain" deathsound "grunt/death" activesound "grunt/active" DropItem "BerserkPack" 2 Monster +Floorclip +BOSS States { Spawn: GRIM A 2 A_Look GRIM A 2 A_Wander loop See: GRIM A 10 A_Chase loop Melee: GRIM B 2 A_FaceTarget GRIM D 2 A_CustomMeleeAttack(1000000000,0,0,"demon/attack",1) goto See Death: GRIM E 5 GRIM F 5 A_Scream GRIM F 5 A_BossDeath GRIM G 5 A_NoBlocking GRIM G -1 stop } }
Thanks anyone who help me

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